Is intermittent fasting safe or silly?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is the process of manipulating your calorie intake based on a time schedule. Basically, it means condensing your meals for the day into a smaller window of time; for

Fasting: How to Guide

Fasting potentials are the most interesting topics in the Nutritional Era. Fasting consists of the catabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates to maintain blood glucose levels in a normal range. The action

Intermittent Fasting Works, Helps at Least in the Short Term

Combined results from a total of 130 clinical trials show that intermittent fasting could help reduce weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, “bad” cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure, among other risk factors associated with obesity.

Fasting (official trailer)

This is the first documentary film to explore the 7 different methods of fasting including Time-Restricted Feeding (overnight fasting), Intermittent & Prolonged Fasting, Long-Term Water Fasting, Religious Fasting, Eating Disorders, Improvising or